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The traffic jam in your head
Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

The traffic jam in your head

Article first published on LinkedIn.

There’s no doubt that having a noisy mind prevents leaders from being effective. Within any sector, leaders need to be creative, intuitive and decisive but it’s not always possible to be that way, is it? I mean, sometimes it’s all a bit much.

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Quieten your noisy mind
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

Quieten your noisy mind

Video (0:04:05) recorded by Martin Palethorpe.

Martin Palethorpe talks about the noisy mind, and gives some insightful tips as to what you can do about it.

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Stand up for what you believe in
Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

Stand up for what you believe in

Article first published on LinkedIn.

I was working with a senior leader last week who sits on the operating board of medium-sized organisation. He works in an environment that is extremely fast-moving and somewhat disorganised. He also works with some strong characters.

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