Lacking confidence
Video (0:5:38) by Martin Palethorpe speaking about confidence.
“Confidence is not an object, it’s not a specific thing. It’s a thought created construct so it’s not something I have or don’t have. It’s not real”.

Be brilliant in any moment: High performance, olympics, flow states
Video (0:5:42) by Martin Palethorpe speaking about flow states.
“How does someone get in the zone… this space, psychological state, when they are a peak performer?”

Who are you?
Article first published on LinkedIn.
We seem to live within a societal ‘norm’ that means who we are is defined by what we do, who we are to other people and all the labels that we and others may put on us.

The myth of confidence
Video (0:04:11) by Martin Palethorpe.
Martin Palethorpe talks about the confidence; how to access the natural confidence inside you; how not to get caught up in the myth.

The myth of confidence
Article first published on LinkedIn.
Sometimes you feel confident, sometimes you don’t. It’s common to many. The difference is simply in your thinking.

Feeling stressed? It's all made up.
Article first published on LinkedIn.
But before you get angry with me at suggesting it, please read on… A shift in your thinking is the only real cure to a stress-free existence. And there are two (life-changing) elements to this.