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Mind Matters - think like a champion
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

Mind Matters - think like a champion

Video (1:05:27) originally streamed live for Sibos on Sep 26, 2019

In this session, Martin Palethorpe talks about human potential, providing unique insights about how the mind works that will help you to think like a champion.

Note: this was created when we were called The Pragma Group (not Unbounded).

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Lacking confidence
Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

Lacking confidence

Video (0:5:38) by Martin Palethorpe speaking about confidence.

“Confidence is not an object, it’s not a specific thing. It’s a thought created construct so it’s not something I have or don’t have. It’s not real”.

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Mind Out of the Way (2min version)
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

Mind Out of the Way (2min version)

Video (1:55) recorded during a UK conference for agency leaders.

"Just think of your own experience. How can we sometimes be amazing - inspiring, inspired, effective, productive and yet at other times we can be totally the opposite".

Exploring the way the human mind works in creating our experience.

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Mind out of the way (full speech)
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

Mind out of the way (full speech)

Video (0:29:53) recorded during a UK conference for agency leaders.

Video (1:55) recorded during a UK conference for agency leaders.

"How can we sometimes be amazing - inspiring, inspired, effective, productive and yet at other times we can be totally the opposite".

Exploring the way the human mind works in creating our experience.

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