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Stand up for what you believe in
Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

Stand up for what you believe in

Article first published on LinkedIn.

I was working with a senior leader last week who sits on the operating board of medium-sized organisation. He works in an environment that is extremely fast-moving and somewhat disorganised. He also works with some strong characters.

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Clear thinking in turbulent times
Mindset, Leadership, Society Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Leadership, Society Martin Palethorpe

Clear thinking in turbulent times

Article first published on LinkedIn.

As we read and watch the UK daily news about Brexit, it feels like a very turbulent time. At the heart of the turmoil is the uncertainty about the future and the frustration that many feel about the decision the United Kingdom has made. This article looks at the psychological aspects of what’s going on.

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