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Don’t let redundancy hurt you
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

Don’t let redundancy hurt you

Article first published on LinkedIn.

Companies are constantly changing their strategy and execution in response to the changing demands of the market, and as a result, they change their people.

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The traffic jam in your head
Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

The traffic jam in your head

Article first published on LinkedIn.

There’s no doubt that having a noisy mind prevents leaders from being effective. Within any sector, leaders need to be creative, intuitive and decisive but it’s not always possible to be that way, is it? I mean, sometimes it’s all a bit much.

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Quieten your noisy mind
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

Quieten your noisy mind

Video (0:04:05) recorded by Martin Palethorpe.

Martin Palethorpe talks about the noisy mind, and gives some insightful tips as to what you can do about it.

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Clear thinking in turbulent times
Mindset, Leadership, Society Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Leadership, Society Martin Palethorpe

Clear thinking in turbulent times

Article first published on LinkedIn.

As we read and watch the UK daily news about Brexit, it feels like a very turbulent time. At the heart of the turmoil is the uncertainty about the future and the frustration that many feel about the decision the United Kingdom has made. This article looks at the psychological aspects of what’s going on.

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