Be calm and clear in the face of uncertainty
Webinar video (1:30:25) recorded for Elevate Staffing.
Elevate partnered with the Pragma Group (now Unbounded) to provide Elevate event staff with a Quality of Mind webinar during a period of immense uncertainty and anxiety. Martin explored how the mind works with the team to help them access an elevated level of resilience, peace, calm, and clarity.

Quality of Mind conference speech (full version)
Video (0:39:51) conference speech for a large global technology corporation.
Watch the full speech delivered at sales conference for a large global technology corporation in 2019 (when we were The Pragma Group). This provides insight into our approach and our work.

Quieten your noisy mind
Video (0:04:05) recorded by Martin Palethorpe.
Martin Palethorpe talks about the noisy mind, and gives some insightful tips as to what you can do about it.