For my client… who’s business has been badly affected by COVID-19
LinkedIn post by Martin Palethorpe
I wrote this for a client, who I coached this morning. Sadly, his business has been decimated by Covid-19.

The traffic jam in your head
Article first published on LinkedIn.
There’s no doubt that having a noisy mind prevents leaders from being effective. Within any sector, leaders need to be creative, intuitive and decisive but it’s not always possible to be that way, is it? I mean, sometimes it’s all a bit much.

Be inner directed
Video (0:1:44) by Martin Palethorpe.
Martin Palethorpe talks about leading from the wisdom inside of you, rather than being dominated by what others think.

Quieten your noisy mind
Video (0:04:05) recorded by Martin Palethorpe.
Martin Palethorpe talks about the noisy mind, and gives some insightful tips as to what you can do about it.

Feeling stressed? It's all made up.
Article first published on LinkedIn.
But before you get angry with me at suggesting it, please read on… A shift in your thinking is the only real cure to a stress-free existence. And there are two (life-changing) elements to this.