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When imagination is a bad thing
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

When imagination is a bad thing

Video (0:01:46) recorded by Martin Palethorpe.

Martin talks about the downside of your imagination, how it can make things up that leave us less effective and more stressed.

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The danger of striving for perfect
Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

The danger of striving for perfect

Video (0:03:47) recorded by Martin Palethorpe.

Martin talks about the danger of striving for perfect. He has a client, when nothing is ever good enough. The client is always beating himself up, living in the expectation that life and everything in it should be perfect.

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Quieten your noisy mind
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

Quieten your noisy mind

Video (0:04:05) recorded by Martin Palethorpe.

Martin Palethorpe talks about the noisy mind, and gives some insightful tips as to what you can do about it.

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Mind Out of the Way (2min version)
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

Mind Out of the Way (2min version)

Video (1:55) recorded during a UK conference for agency leaders.

"Just think of your own experience. How can we sometimes be amazing - inspiring, inspired, effective, productive and yet at other times we can be totally the opposite".

Exploring the way the human mind works in creating our experience.

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Mind out of the way (full speech)
Mindset Martin Palethorpe Mindset Martin Palethorpe

Mind out of the way (full speech)

Video (0:29:53) recorded during a UK conference for agency leaders.

Video (1:55) recorded during a UK conference for agency leaders.

"How can we sometimes be amazing - inspiring, inspired, effective, productive and yet at other times we can be totally the opposite".

Exploring the way the human mind works in creating our experience.

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