How you can improve your relationships

In the video above, Unbounded’s Martin Palethorpe explores the concept of separate realities, revealing how our minds shape our perspectives on relationships. 

In just 5 minutes, you’ll learn about:

  • Unique and Separate Realities: Each person views the world differently based on their internal perceptions, leading to contrasting opinions about the same thing.

  • Story Creation: We constantly construct narratives about others, forming judgments that affects how we connect and relate.

  • A Ladder of Thoughts: Are you up a ladder about people in your life? As we add layers of assumptions, judgment and meaning about others, it clouds our ability to be our true selves and creates separation.

  • An Invitation to Change: Recognise and release these stories to build more genuine interactions with others.

Our next Quality of Mind 3-day programme is being held June 12. An amazing mind-shifting life experience, it's the perfect opportunity to really examine your own stories and explore how letting go of them can transform your relationships.

Join us for a mind cleanse & reset with a small group of people in a beautiful relaxing countryside environment.



Are you prioritising your wellbeing? 


How could you lead with greater conviction?