Taking a stand.

This post has two purposes.

Firstly to inspire you to reflect on what you’re doing about the climate crisis.

Secondly to have you reflect on taking stands in your life.

I spent my Sunday being trained in Non-Violent Direct Action with Just Stop Oil. I’m considering taking a rather big stand and taking some protest action.

I’m dismayed by the unsustainable manner in which we are living. I’m dismayed by the lack of action that the government is taking to protect our climate and eco-system. Do you know they are still planning on issuing new oil exploration licences even though they have declared a climate emergency?

I have spent much time contemplating this situation. It’s getting to the stage that I can no longer carry on living my cosy comfy life, effectively ignoring the colossal problem.

Don’t get me wrong, I already do a certain number of things - I recycle, I drive an Electric car, I’ve reduced my flight travel, I volunteer locally on green issues.

But I believe that this situation is a serious crisis, that warrants more.

What would I do if there were a fire in my house? What would I do if the fire was in the kitchen whilst I was entertaining friends in the lounge. If it were a tiny fire that was contained, I’d probably let whoever was cooking, deal with it. But if the fire started to get out of hand, becoming a blaze, what would I do? Well of course, I would stop entertaining and I’d run into the kitchen to help . We need to stop all activity in the lounge and put the fire out.

I believe the climate crisis is at least at that stage. I can no longer ignore things and stay enjoying my cosy life in the lounge. I have to do more. I have to be part of putting the fire out. I feel I need to take more direct action with the government and with my network to encourage more tangible change.

Living as usual doesn’t seem to be an option. I believe we all individually need to make changes. And I believe we all also need to put more pressure on the government to make key changes.

And I realise that the problem is not just oil. It’s a whole materialistic consumer-driven society that needs to shift to work in harmony with the earth and its resources.

So there I was in a room being trained by a mid-20s lady, in a room full of 20-30 year olds. It inspired me to sit in a room with young people that are prepared to take such stands. Many decent well-educated considered human beings are ready to being arrested and imprisoned for what they believe in.

This post has two purposes. It’s not about whether you agree with my action, or that of Just Stop Oil or Extinction Rebellion.

My first aim is to provoke you to think about the current climate/consumerism crisis. How do you feel about it? How do you feel about what you are doing or not doing? Are you taking the stand that you feel good about?

Secondly, I’m interested in you and I reflecting about taking stands. Are you taking stands in your life? Are you proud of what you’re doing and how you’re doing it?

For me, a stand is when I am listening to and guided by a deep knowing inside me. The knowing is what I follow. Guided from within, not over-influenced from outside of me. This inner guidance can shape every element of how I show up in life and what I do.


Is your team dynamic?


Be here now. A poem to inspire you to follow your path