The mind works better with space

At the time of writing this article, we're one month into the year. For many of us, Christmas and the holidays are a distant memory.

You may now find yourself in the fast lane... busy with tasks and busy in the mind.

I'm here to remind you of a vital element of how the mind works. And it's an element I'm sure you know...

When the mind is quiet, when the mind has space - it works better. It reflects better. It comes up with more and better ideas. It enables you to be considered in all that you're doing, to be more conscious in the choices you're making.

So some simple questions for you:

  • Are you creating space in your diary? (back-to-back meetings doesn't work)

  • Are you creating space for being in nature and for exercise? (this calms you down, it has you work from the sympathetic nervous system not fight & flight)

  • Do you have time away from the desk - space for quality reflection and strategic thinking?

This is not a post meant to add pressure, rather to help you to recognise the huge benefits of making space for your mind.

If you want to make space for your mind in 2023, our Quality of Mind programmes are the perfect place to start.


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