It’s time to spring forward

What does Spring represent?

Nature has cycles. There’s the cycle of the day as we rotate around the Sun. There’s also the lunar cycle as the moon rotates around the Earth. And there’s also the seasons - Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring.

One of the key Principles of the Quality of Mind programme is that “the mind has a natural built-in design to function well”. We say there’s a natural design. We look at nature and realise that everything is nature, and that everything has a natural design. The natural design is the way it was designed by nature to operate. And we are all subject to the laws of nature, in fact we are nature.

We are affected by the changes in the solar system. We are affected by the pull of the moon. You might notice your sleep being affected at a full moon. And your mood being affected in the darkness of winter.

For the animal kingdom (of which we are part), winter is a time for hibernating for going inside. And spring is a time for re-emerging.

The trees and bushes that were once icy and barren begin to bear buds, leaves, flowers again. The grass becomes greener, hibernating animals come out to explore, and insects that were burrowed under the ground hatch from their eggs and emerge to the surface.

In the spring, the world is renewed, and the life re-appears in plants, in animals and also in you and me.

If all of this rebirth and renewal is happening during spring to every plant and animal, it’s time to consciously embrace your own renewal. So here’s a few questions for you to reflect on:

  • What goals do you want to accomplish in the coming year?

  • What old unwanted habits do you want to let die?

  • What exciting plans can you make for the spring & summer?

  • How do you want to enjoy the longer warmer days?

  • What ideas and visions do you want to grow inside you?

  • What and where will you re-invent?


The importance of community

