Turbulence ahead

This is a very turbulent time in the history of planet earth.

A recent pandemic, war, climate crisis, energy prices, inflation, artificial intelligence, a collapsing bank system, strikes and protest…

There is so much change on a macro scale. There is so much uncertainty.

I have started to listen on Youtube to both Mark Moss and Pam Gregory. Mark Moss is a professional investor who teaches people how to understand the financial markets. Pam Gregory is a leading astrologer.

[Please take this post with a pinch of salt. Do your own research. Develop your own views. Pam and Mark may not resonate for you. Please decide for yourself who you wish to follow.]

When I listen to both Mark and Pam, I am hearing the same thing. The systems on many levels are not working. The health system is not working. The economic system is not working. Many corporations are not working for society. The governments are not working well in service of the people. Collaboration between countries is not working.

I believe that in the coming months, we are in for a very turbulent time.

And I already experience that many people individually are having very challenging situations, it seems more people struggling and more usual.

But this post isn’t designed to frighten you. It’s designed to have you strap up ready for the ride… any ride that comes.

When there is a lot going on in the outside world, the quality of your mind becomes even more important. Remember what you learnt on Quality of Mind and have practices in your life that support you.

It is possible to live with peace and clarity on the inside, even when there’s craziness happening on the outside.

Many believe this is actually a very special time to be alive. As the old systems collapse, new ways of being, living and working will arise. It’s about shifting to a higher level of consciousness, and living in a way that makes innate sense.

The 'partner' post to this one is “Embracing Uncertainty”. You might like to read that to gain my insight as to what you might do.


Embracing Uncertainty


The importance of community