When and why to consider having a coach

What’s going on in your life and your work right now? How are you doing?

There are times in life when you benefit from some support or some development.

Here's the primary three reasons why you might get a coach:

  1. To develop

  2. To stop and contemplate

  3. To have a sounding boarding


You may have just been promoted or find yourself in a challenging situation - where you can see that improving your skills and ability would help you in your role.

One of the most valuable reasons for having a coach is to develop. If you do what you have always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. Development is vital for progression. It is vital for being a better leader in your organisation. Development is vital for a happier life. Development is also vital for getting better results.

STOP and Contemplate

Life goes by fast. The weeks, the months, the quarters whizz by. It’s easy to work and live on auto-pilot and at speed, so that you don’t take enough time to stop and reflect.

Coaching provides an opportunity to reflect deeply. It pulls you off of the fast-moving hamster wheel and provides you a space to ask yourself questions.

How are you doing? What’s working well? What isn’t working well? What are your dreams and goals? Where do you want to change or improve? There are many questions you can use the coaching space to reflect on.

Don’t get me wrong, you could do some of this work all alone. But if you can afford it, a coach can provide a unique space for you to ask yourself and explore important questions more deeply.

Sounding Board

When you’re a leader, you can feel like you’re on your own. Remember the old saying “it’s lonely at the top”.

So how do you think through some of the complex real-life situations and decisions you face? A good coach can provide you a sounding board to think through what to do about situations like - your hiring or firing decision, or how to approach the next Board meeting, or deal with the difficult conflict. Sometimes it’s so helpful to gain the insights and wisdom of an experienced other.

Whether or not you decide to use coaching, I encourage you to prioritise your development in any form.

Just do development! There are so many personal development courses, experiences and retreats - online and in-person, one-to-one and in groups. Development of different forms can play an invaluable role in helping you continue to learn and grow. Be proactive. Find what resonates for you.


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Embracing Uncertainty