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Living with presence and flow
Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

Living with presence and flow

I have a client who recently walked The Three Peaks in 24 hours. I spoke to him before the event and his mind was racing in many directions.

And yet this physical challenge is not really a physical challenge. It’s a mental challenge. It’s entirely an inner game. We either learn to not be captured by the mind and the challenge is easy, or we get consumed by the ‘boss’ and the challenge is extremely hard.

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Four ingredients for success in anything
Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

Four ingredients for success in anything

I’m currently working with a CEO of a start up. She's a first-time CEO and founder of a technology business. I observe many aspects of her style that need to evolve and improve. And yet, I also notice some key ingredients that impress me.

It feels like she has the four key ingredients to enable anyone to be successful at any thing…

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What is high-performance that is healthy & sustainable?
Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

What is high-performance that is healthy & sustainable?

I am working with a couple of interesting organisations at the moment. Two organisations striving.

One is a very exciting high growth technology start-up, with massive potential to become very large very quickly. The other organisation is a B-Corp, and an environmental product business.

These situations are prompting me to ask many questions about High Performance and Maximising results…

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Taking a stand for what you believe in
Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

Taking a stand for what you believe in

I’m starting to ask myself… how can I carry on in my cosy little life, when there are so many bigger problems around me. I find myself now being called to take stands, stands for what I am passionate about in this life, and in this world, a stand that is about being of service and making a different way beyond myself.

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Embracing Uncertainty
Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

Embracing Uncertainty

The ego wants to feel safe. It is trying to protect you. And in order to protect you, it likes things to be known and unchanging. Or at least if they are changing, it likes the change to be predictable, not sudden or surprising.

You may find that you’ve got three strategies…

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Turbulence ahead
Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe Mindset, Life, Leadership Martin Palethorpe

Turbulence ahead

This is a very turbulent time in the history of planet earth. A recent pandemic, war, climate crisis, energy prices, inflation, artificial intelligence, a collapsing bank system, strikes and protest…

There is so much change on a macro scale. There is so much uncertainty.

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