I’m in search of a deeper truth about life

I have some news that I’m excited and slightly nervous to share.

I’m off to the Columbian Andes to learn about ancient ways of living. Indigenous tribes have a deep spiritual connection. They have an understanding about life & the cosmos that keeps them rooted to living in a way that respects and cares for our planet.

I’m going to learn from and with Kajuyali Tsamani, a shaman, a healer and a professor of philosophy and anthropology.

I'm going to take plant medicine - Ayahuasca and another plant specific to the Kogi tribe. I’m going to be part of sweat lodge ceremonies. And most importantly, I am exploring the deeper truths about life and reality.

I have a deep fascination for exploring this human existence. I've always been interested in psychology - how my mind gets in the way sometimes, and how I show up in life.

I find myself going deep into an exploration psychologically and spiritually. What am I really? What’s important? How do I fit into the cosmos? How can I experience the interconnectedness of everything?

Indigenous tribal understanding, ceremonies and plant medicine (natural psychedelics) are a profound way of doing that exploration.

I hope that through my experience I find ways to play my part in shifting leadership consciousness on this planet. I want us all to live in a kinder, more relaxed, more loving society. And I believe this will come from deeper experiences like this.

To do this experience, I've had to go through some fear.

  1. I haven't yet worked out how to tell people that I'm going. What I notice is I have some fear of being judged about taking psychedelics.

  2. I've got an 18-year old son doing A Levels. I had some feelings of selfishness going on. Is it selfish taking two weeks out all on my own?

  3. Then there’s the fear of going down this rabbit hole. What's going to happen? How am I going to change if I shift consciousness to another level? What does that mean for how I'm going to live and what I'm going to do?

    And I've got one more fear…

  4. I've got an issue with the climate crisis and travel. I feel guilty about travelling to the other side of the world.

    I consider myself an environmental activist, yet I’m choosing to fly to the other side of the world, when it suits me.

So I’m noticing this, naming it and then just letting go. Because what it came down to is:

  • I need to be there. I'm going for a deep reason.

  • Waking up, shifting, transforming is a key part of my life journey

  • And bringing those insights into my work. .

So watch this space! I’ll be recording videos during the trip.


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