Watch: Lewis Ide talking about stories in the mind, confidence and flow

In this insightful and honest interview, Lewis, Head of International at Form3, explains how an understanding of QoM has had a direct impact on his life & work.

(Video 32mins)

In this video, Lewis talks about three of his major insights & shifts:

  • Stories he was telling himself

  • Self-confidence

  • The ability to be in flow

Excerpts of the video are written below.

2. Stories he was telling himself

Before his career in financial services, Lewis was a professional footballer, joining the Brighton & Hove youth team aged seven and signing professional forms for the Club aged 16. In his own words, “as early as I could walk, all I ever wanted to do was be a professional footballer. So, I think it was on my mind day and night, probably from the age of about three.” 

Aged 22, and a number of major knee injuries later, Lewis was left with around 50% cartilage in both knees. A frank discussion with a doctor all but put an end to his professional footballing career. He hung up his boots.

The Quality of Mind programme helped Lewis identify two stories he had become unconsciously immersed in:

  • “I am Lewis the footballer”

  • “If I’m no longer Lewis the footballer, then I am a failure”.

At a deep level, Lewis realised that he was living in a self-created story that wasn’t serving him. A shift occurred that enable him to be free from the past, and to live powerfully into the future.

2. Self confidence

Lewis explores how the stories he had created were affecting his self-confidence. He was questioning his decisions, over-analysing and as a result feeling stressed. Quality of Mind led him to quieten his noisy mind.

“it's like a snow globe that's been shaken. And then eventually when that settles, we can see clearly. And when we see clearly, we access this inner knowing, where confidence comes from.”

3. Flow state

Lewis talks about how he is now able to access a ‘flow state’ through the application of the Quality of Mind principles.

Using the example of a sales meeting, Lewis talks about being able to be present in the moment, which enables him to be in the room with people, avoiding assumptions & leaving him free to build meaningful connections.


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