Seize the day. Seize the moment. Seize the year.  

I reflected a lot over the new year, reflected a lot on where I was and what I wanted and my intentions and my dreams. And then yesterday it hit me. The realisation that I'm 53 years old. 

Time has been rushing past. Don't get me wrong. I've filled my life with many things. Many things that I've enjoyed, many things I'm proud of. It's been a full life. 

But where did the time go? How did I get to 53, when I still feel 35 maybe 40?
My key insight is that the time is now. I'm 53. I'm in the prime of my life. I have my health still. I have my mind. I have enough money. I have wisdom. I have knowledge. I have contacts. I have experience. All of these things I have more than I've ever had before. And the next ten to 15 years are the prime of my life.  

And after that, well, who knows, right? Who knows? I don't want to limit my life at the later stages, but what I notice as people retire, they slow down, they move to a different existence.  

So now is the time to really embrace these special years, to live for today, to do and be everything I want to. Wow. Carpe diem - seize the day! 

Stop living life half cocked. Stop playing small. Stop worrying about how something will look. Now is the time to be who I truly am, without fear, without inhibition. Be clear about my gifts and to bring them to the world more. To live my life fully, to try things that I've always wanted to try, to do what I want to do, to follow my calling in life - all of it. 

Do it now. 

And with this realisation, I then look at every area. I look at my relationships. I look at my hobbies and some hobbies that I haven't yet done. I look at my work - the work I'm doing versus exactly the work I'd love to be doing. The causes I’d like to be supporting more. The stands I passionately want to be taking. I look at it all and say, “Martin carpe diem, seize the day”. 

One of my natural gifts is dynamism and inspiration. And in writing the post, I’m bringing my gifts to the world. My commitment is to inspire more – to inspire you and me to live our lives fully. Carpe diem.    


Watch: Lewis Ide talking about stories in the mind, confidence and flow


The deepest thinking that’s holding you back