Are you selling your soul?

An article by Martin Palethorpe

Are you selling your soul?

By that I mean, are you doing a job almost entirely for the money?

Perhaps you're caught in the trap - the materialistic capitalist trap. "I have a partner and a family. The kids are in private school. I need to earn a lot of money. I need to provide for my family."

So you work hard, so very hard that you're not around much, and often tired and grumpy.

You think you're 'providing' for them. You might be providing materially. But I'm suggesting to you you've got it all wrong. The kids don’t need money and security - at least not to the level that you think.

They need you - your time, your presence, your vitality and your love.

When you're selling your soul, it seems to me it never works in the long-term. It eats away at you inside. You're not happy, in fact you maybe unhappy & certainly unfulfilled.

So what is it that's eating away at you?

It might be that the core of your organisation's business isn't exactly helping humanity or the planet. Your soul knows that the mission and purpose does not deeply resonate with you. Fundamentally the business is about making more profit.

Or perhaps it's just that you're a job that is mundane. You don't love it, you never deeply have (if you're honest). You just got on the rungs of the career ladder in young adulthood and have found racing upwards without really questioning why.

If you're honest, you're doing things for money. Your job is perhaps easy and comfortable but you know that it is not deeply satisfying. And that you're not deeply proud of what you do.

And over the years, the discomfort, the dissatisfaction increases. The soul feels like it's increasingly being eaten away.

So this post is here to have you stop and think. Life is short. As far as we know, you only have one life.

So why aren't you living a life that you love in every way - one that inspires and nourishes you; one where you feel alive; one that is making a positive difference?

The time is now to stop messing about, before it's too late. Before you're too old or too tired to really enjoy how you spend your time.

I'm not saying pack it all in immediately on a whim with no plan. I don’t encourage recklessness. But I am saying, wake up, shake up, begin the journey of setting your life up how you'd love it to be. Be a positive contribution to yourself, your family and to the whole.

If you need help, get a coach (we'll help!). Or invest in some retreats or courses. In some way, start the journey that can help you out of the rut.


  • You can live a life you love in every way.

  • Following your passions is more fulfilling that anything else

  • Money doesn’t buy you happiness.

Not sure where to start? Join us on one of our Quality of Mind programmes or retreats


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